
I have been looking at the same problem for several days now, so it is time 
to seek 'newbie' help.  I am following instructions 
at: http://mezzanine.jupo.org/docs/overview.html#installation

I am trying to install a default Mezzanine build using the sqlite db.  I am 
using python 2.7.10 because the target system will run on AWS Lambda using 
Zapper, which only supports Python 2.7.  Production DB will be an RDS db 
running SQL. At the moment I just want to get a local mezzanine env set up 
to play with.

 I am using:

   - Mac OSX 
   - Python 2.7.10
   - virtualenv


inside virtual env running python 2.7.10

   - pip install mezzanine
   - pip install yolk
   - yolk -l (to list installed packages)
      Django 1.10.6 has no metadata
      Mezzanine 4.2.2 has no metadata
      Pillow 4.0.0 has no metadata
      Python          - 2.7.10       - active development 
      appdirs 1.4.3 has no metadata
      beautifulsoup4 4.5.3 has no metadata
      bleach 2.0.0 has no metadata
      chardet 2.3.0 has no metadata
      django-contrib-comments 1.8.0 has no metadata
      filebrowser-safe 0.4.6 has no metadata
      future 0.16.0 has no metadata
      grappelli-safe 0.4.5 has no metadata
      html5lib 0.999999999 has no metadata
      oauthlib 2.0.1 has no metadata
      olefile 0.44 has no metadata
      packaging 16.8 has no metadata
      pip 9.0.1 has no metadata
      pyparsing 2.2.0 has no metadata
      pytz 2016.10 has no metadata
      requests-oauthlib 0.8.0 has no metadata
      requests 2.13.0 has no metadata
      setuptools 34.3.1 has no metadata
      six 1.10.0 has no metadata
      tzlocal 1.3 has no metadata
      webencodings 0.5 has no metadata
      wheel 0.29.0 has no metadata
      wsgiref         - 0.1.2        - active development 
      yolk 0.4.3 has no metadata

   - mezzanine-project mysecondsite
   - cd mysecondsite
   - python manage.py createdb

I then get the following:

(mezzanine) Charless-MBP-3:mysecondsite charlesroberts$ python manage.py 

Traceback (most recent call last):

  File "manage.py", line 14, in <module>


line 367, in execute_from_command_line


line 341, in execute


line 27, in setup


line 108, in populate


line 199, in import_models

    self.models_module = import_module(models_module_name)

line 37, in import_module


line 7, in <module>

    from mezzanine.core.models import SiteRelated

line 24, in <module>

    from mezzanine.core.fields import RichTextField, OrderField

line 14, in <module>

    from mezzanine.utils.html import escape

line 36, in <module>

    if "tel" not in sanitizer.BleachSanitizer.allowed_protocols:

AttributeError: 'module' object has no attribute 'BleachSanitizer'

I have previously successfully used the djangogirls tutorial and the Django 
Tutorial using:

   - python manage.py migrate 

with no issues.  

I am at the point of going with a 5 min Wordpress install,  someone bring 
me back from the edge, because I am fed up of googling in desperation!!

many thanks

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