Carlos, I haven't installed anything on the remote server except the basic 
pip.. and the other dependencies stated on Mezzanine site once again:


Users on Debian or Ubuntu will require some system packages to support the 
imaging library:

$ apt-get install libjpeg8 libjpeg8-dev
$ apt-get build-dep python-imaging"

and per instructions fabric is supposed to install whatever fabric is in my 
requirements.txt file IF I can get past my issues stated earlier.

On Friday, May 25, 2018 at 7:15:36 PM UTC-7, sacrac wrote:
> install fabrinc in your local and server same version!!
> On Fri, May 25, 2018 at 7:45 PM, Ken Bolton < 
> <javascript:>> wrote:
>> Install Fabric version 1, not 2.
>> On Fri, May 25, 2018, 21:19 Data Intelligence < 
>> <javascript:>> wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> I've spent two days trying to get past this issue of deployment.
>>> I'm following the tutorial which is straight forward on the site but 
>>> can't get past fabric
>>> Here is the content of my requirements.txt:
>>> asn1crypto==0.24.0
>>> bcrypt==3.1.4
>>> beautifulsoup4==4.6.0
>>> bleach==2.1.3
>>> certifi==2018.4.16
>>> cffi==1.11.5
>>> chardet==3.0.4
>>> cryptography==2.2.2
>>> Django==1.10.8
>>> django-contrib-comments==1.8.0
>>> fabric==2.0.1
>>> filebrowser-safe==0.4.7
>>> future==0.16.0
>>> grappelli-safe==0.4.7
>>> html5lib==1.0.1
>>> idna==2.6
>>> invoke==1.0.0
>>> Mezzanine==4.2.3
>>> oauthlib==2.0.7
>>> paramiko==2.4.1
>>> Pillow==5.1.0
>>> pyasn1==0.4.2
>>> pycparser==2.18
>>> PyNaCl==1.2.1
>>> pytz==2018.4
>>> requests==2.18.4
>>> requests-oauthlib==0.8.0
>>> six==1.11.0
>>> South==1.0.2
>>> tzlocal==1.5.1
>>> urllib3==1.22
>>> webencodings==0.5.1
>>> I am aware that I have to install other dependencies for Ubuntu which I 
>>> already did but I can't get out of my own desktop yet:
>>> 1- I have a new droplet on DO
>>> 2- Created new user 
>>> 3- Edited my
>>> 4- Uncommented all the relevant lines in
>>> 5- From my command prompt, inside venv ran fab secure
>>> Error 1: No module named fabric.api
>>> Spent few hours researching to find out it has been replaced with 
>>> "from fabric import Connection" 
>>> 6- run fab secure again and now I get
>>> Error: No module named fabric.context_managers...
>>> so I commented that line and sure enough new error for the next line and 
>>> on and on so now my is not so fabulous after all and looks like 
>>> this, well just the beginning of it anyways because if I can't get past the 
>>> first few lines I have no use nor the time of doing this for 2 more days:
>>> from __future__ import print_function, unicode_literals
>>> from future.builtins import open
>>> import os
>>> import re
>>> import sys
>>> from contextlib import contextmanager
>>> from functools import wraps
>>> from getpass import getpass, getuser
>>> from glob import glob
>>> from importlib import import_module
>>> from posixpath import join
>>> from mezzanine.utils.conf import real_project_name
>>> from fabric import Connection
>>> # from fabric.api import abort, env, cd, prefix, sudo as _sudo, run as 
>>> _run, \
>>>     # hide, task, local
>>> # from fabric.context_managers import settings as fab_settings
>>> # from fabric.contrib.console import confirm
>>> # from fabric.contrib.files import exists, upload_template
>>> # from fabric.contrib.project import rsync_project
>>> # from fabric.colors import yellow, green, blue, red
>>> # from fabric.decorators import hosts
>>> ################
>>> # Config setup #
>>> ################
>>> if not hasattr(env, "proj_app"):
>>>     env.proj_app = real_project_name("blog_iq")
>>> conf = {}
>>> if sys.argv[0].split(os.sep)[-1] in ("fab", ""):
>>>     # Ensure we import settings from the current dir
>>>     try:
>>>         conf = import_module("%s.settings" % env.proj_app).FABRIC
>>>         try:
>>>             conf["HOSTS"][0]
>>>         except (KeyError, ValueError):
>>>             raise ImportError
>>>     except (ImportError, AttributeError):
>>>         print("Aborting, no hosts defined.")
>>>         exit()
>>> env.db_pass = conf.get("DB_PASS", None)
>>> env.admin_pass = conf.get("ADMIN_PASS", None)
>>> env.user = conf.get("SSH_USER", getuser())
>>> env.password = conf.get("SSH_PASS", None)
>>> env.key_filename = conf.get("SSH_KEY_PATH", None)
>>> env.hosts = conf.get("HOSTS", [""])
>>> env.proj_name = conf.get("PROJECT_NAME", env.proj_app)
>>> env.venv_home = conf.get("VIRTUALENV_HOME", "/home/%s/.virtualenvs" % 
>>> env.user)
>>> env.venv_path = join(env.venv_home, env.proj_name)
>>> env.proj_path = "/home/%s/mezzanine/%s" % (env.user, env.proj_name)
>>> env.manage = "%s/bin/python %s/" % (env.venv_path, 
>>> env.proj_path)
>>> = conf.get("DOMAINS", [conf.get("LIVE_HOSTNAME", 
>>> env.hosts[0])])
>>> env.domains_nginx = " ".join(
>>> env.domains_regex = "|".join(
>>> env.domains_python = ", ".join(["'%s'" % s for s in])
>>> env.ssl_disabled = "#" if len( > 1 else ""
>>> env.vcs_tools = ["git", "hg"]
>>> env.deploy_tool = conf.get("DEPLOY_TOOL", "rsync")
>>> env.reqs_path = conf.get("REQUIREMENTS_PATH", None)
>>> env.locale = conf.get("LOCALE", "en_US.UTF-8")
>>> env.num_workers = conf.get("NUM_WORKERS",
>>>                            "multiprocessing.cpu_count() * 2 + 1")
>>> env.secret_key = conf.get("SECRET_KEY", "")
>>> env.nevercache_key = conf.get("NEVERCACHE_KEY", "")
>>> if not env.secret_key:
>>>     print("Aborting, no SECRET_KEY setting defined.")
>>>     exit()
>>> # Remote git repos need to be "bare" and reside separated from the 
>>> project
>>> if env.deploy_tool == "git":
>>>     env.repo_path = "/home/%s/git/%s.git" % (env.user, env.proj_name)
>>> else:
>>>     env.repo_path = env.proj_path
>>> =========================================
>>> Well now you can imagine what the next error is going to be, RIGHT!
>>> NAMEERROR: name 'env' is NOT DEFINED  well of course is not defined, so 
>>> can someone tell me why is this file created to begin with if I just 
>>> installed 2.0.1 and the file created is OUTDATED already??
>>> DO I punt and move on with my life or have a beer or both?
>>> If anyone can help it would be appreciated, maybe I'll send you the beer.
>>> Thanks
>>> -- 
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>> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
>> "Mezzanine Users" group.
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> -- 
> att.
> Carlos Rocha

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