Hello All,

I have been using Mhonarc  2.3.3( - which by the way I think is brill :) for
my majordomo archives). I am using a resorce file and I would like to be
able to pass the <listname> to it. I'd like to specify the listname at
command line and then use it in the rcfile - is it possible to do this ? I
know you can "include" a file in which you define variables using
"DEFINEVAR" but this is static.

Has anyone any ideas on how I can do this ?

Thanks in advance.
Mita Solanky
Web & Systems Development
British Educational Communications & Technology agency (BECTa)
Milburn Hill Rd, Coventry CV4 7JJ.
Tel : +44 (0) 1203 847 125

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