Hi there,

I am trying to compile mico 2.3.9 + STLport 5.1.5 with msvc8 compiler and
I am facing the following problem(s):

**I am getting a lot of different errors, e.g. like:

250) : error C2139: 'CORBA::OperationDescription' : an undefined class is
not al
lowed as an argument to compiler intrinsic type trait '__has_trivial_copy'

crash in 'idl.exe', e.g. at 'ior.cc' line # 391
stepping into that code reveals that the iterator 'tags.begin()' is tried to
be increased by -1 which STLport-checked-iterators (debug-compilation)

To (1):
If I out-comment '#define _STLP_HAS_TYPE_TRAITS_INTRINSICS' on STLport-side
in '_msvc.h' in line #84
I managed to get rid of problem (1). However, I dont know which side-effects
that would/could have.. I am guessing none.

To (2):
It seems like it is not possible to compile STLport with '_STLP_DEBUG'
defined (in 'user_config.h') and also MICO (adding '_STLP_DEBUG' to
debug-compiler flags CXXFLAGS and CCFLAGS).
However, I really need this flag since I am linking also against boost,
which requires _STLP_DEBUG for debug-compilation.

As a side note:
I am also bound to MICO 2.3.9, since I am forced to using corbaScript which
requires BOA support.
And switching back to an older version of STLport doesnt solve the (2)
problem, since I still want/need to use _STLP_DEBUG flag.

Can anyone help me out?

Greetings and my best regards,

Michael Mzik
Mico-devel mailing list

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