
if I run demo/bench, I get the following output.

$ [sudo] ./bench

### same process:
0.000733333 ms per call
### same machine (pipe):
0.213967 ms per call
### same machine (TCP):
0.266633 ms per call
### same machine (UDP):
Assertion failed: (0), function accept, file transport/udp.cc, line 429.
cannot bind to inet-dgram:vs15.inf.ethz.ch:12123
### same machine with micod (TCP):
0.275467 ms per call
./bench: line 46: 71587 Abort trap ./server -ORBIIOPAddr $DADDR $RC
./bench: line 47: kill: (71587) - No such process

sudo does not change anything.

is this ok? or what goes wrong here?


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