----- Original Message ----- From: "Benjamin Carlyle" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Microformats Discuss" <microformats-discuss@microformats.org>
Sent: Tuesday, December 20, 2005 10:44 AM
Subject: Re: [uf-discuss] hAtom draft


On Wed, 2005-11-23 at 04:02 -0500, David Janes -- BlogMatrix wrote:
Have at it:

I'm currently doing some work based on Luke Arno's hAtom2Atom.xsl to get
my feed reader of choice (liferea) to parse hAtom sites. I currently
have the xsl scraping the html page for each entry in order to fill out
author details when they are not present in the entry itself. I first
search the entry proximity, then start back at xpath "/" if none are
found. This is in line with the Entry Author heading in the
microformat[1] which states:
"if an Entry has 0 Entry Athor elements, the "logical Entry Author" is
assumed to be the author of the XHTML page"

Looking at the required feed[2] and entry[3] elements from
atomenabled.org it seems that only "id", "title", and "updated" are
required in each.


Is this a mismatch with the standard, or is my
understanding of the hAtom spec mismatched?

The Atom spec layers further requirements in the text, specifically from the Recommended Elements [4]

"Names one author of the entry. An entry may have multiple authors. An entry must contain at least one author element unless there is an author element in the enclosing feed, or there is an author element in the enclosed source element."

Reading the information from
that atomenabled.org I'm inclined to write the parser as only placing
author and contributor elements in an entry when they appear in the
hAtom html within an entry. If author and contributor fields were only
to be found at the feed level I would only repeat them there in the atom
output. Is my inclination reasonable? That would make any atom feed
reader responsible for making the association between a feed with a
particular author an each entry having a particular author rather than
the transform...

I'm going to consider this a little further over Christmas. Right now, the hAtom spec does not define author (or contributor) at the feed level. This is an ommission, but I was concerned with making the minimal set of rules I could make.

Here's what I was/am thinking:
- the page also represents feed data; this is the reality of most blogs and there's a nice parsimony in not duplicating the information - have you seen a blog where the Author is specified outside the entries (and not in the entries)? I.e. are we inventing edge cases that don't really exist?

That's not to say that what you're suggesting isn't a bad idea: that author/contributor are brought in IF they appear within the feed.

Regards, etc...

Benjamin Carlyle <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
[1] http://microformats.org/wiki/hatom#Entry_Author
[2] http://atomenabled.org/developers/syndication/#requiredFeedElements
[3] http://atomenabled.org/developers/syndication/#requiredEntryElements

[4] http://atomenabled.org/developers/syndication/#recommendedEntryElements

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