> > The summarised notes from the hCal meetup are available here
> > http://microformats.org/wiki/hcalendar-irc-meetup-20060225
> Thanks for posting these.  Unfortunately I was unable to make it to the IRC
> meetup.

It would have been great to have a few more people attend, but I think
the meeting did go pretty well.

> > The items for discussion were posted to
> > http://microformats.org/wiki/hcalendar-issues as soon as I was made
> > aware that this was the correct place to put them, which unfortunately
> > was just before the scheduled time.  The questions have been available
> > for over a week at
> > http://www.lifelint.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2006/01/hcalendar-agenda-20060
> > 225.html
> I believe there are good answers (either explicit or implicitly defined in
> the current spec) to most of these issues, and I'll go through them, and
> answer as many as I can, perhaps moving some to the FAQ.

The agenda was just a starting place for the meeting and I think it
has served its purpose.  I think there would be more value in looking
at the notes:
- http://microformats.org/wiki/hcalendar-irc-meetup-20060225
and giving your 2c on the issues
- http://microformats.org/wiki/hcalendar-issues
and them roll them into the FAQ/Spec

> > The main implication from the meeting is that the vcalendar class
> > seems redundant.
> For now, see "Note 2" on the Example in the spec.
> Ah, I see the source of confusion now.  It looks like some damage done by a
> vandal, change 07:53 6 Jan 2006 by Serginandr, was not undone unfortunately,
> and thus part of "Note 2" was hidden (it was a markup example).  I'll go fix
> it.

Brian Suda and I had quite a lengthly discussion on this topic.  I
would be interested to hear your thoughts on our disucssion (either
agreeing or disagreeing).

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