First of all, welcome to the list, Phil. I encourage you to read through the list archives and the wiki, there's a lot of background material and previous discussion there.

On Mar 24, 2006, at 12:16 PM, Phil Haack wrote:

People do read Microformat content directly which I understand. It fits
with the "Human First" principle.

But references to the xmdp profiles are in the <head> element which is NOT
human readable.  So there is precedent for non-human readable
discoverability mechanism within Microformats.

At Mix06, Tantek pointed out that listing all the xmdp profiles that a site
used on a homepage could get unwieldy.

Right, because the current method is to have a seperate URI for each microformat.

I suppose if I wanted to help both people and an aggregator find various Microformats of interest, there could be a microformat for a site index. My homepage could include it or simply link to it using some other microformat.

Hmm, this sounds to me like a theoretical argument. I'd like to hear what experience people have had here. Has anyone here worked on crawling to index microformats? If so, what challenges did you face?

Also, I don't believe microformats are a special case here. Discovering HTML resources on the web is a common problem, regardless of wether the pages have microformats in them or not.

Thus for the human, there would be a simple link to follow <a
href="/siteindex/" rel="siteindex">Site Map</a>. Likewise, my aggregator would look for this if it didn't find the xmdp profile for a sitemap on the
current page.

Hmm, what's wrong with using the standard 'Contents' [http://]?

I think this might be useful so aggregators (and users) don't have to crawl
an entire site.

Has there been any work done in this area? Is it a bad idea?

Besides Google's sitemaps, I'm sure there's been other work done. Anyone have some knowledge here?

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