On 7/18/06, Mike Stickel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Since there can be a difference between different languages within
countries I thought it might be a good idea to include that in the
"currency" definition of the formating, eg., "CAD eng" or "CAD fr".

If you need to specify the language, for instance to indicate how to
interpret the chars/spacing in the number formatting, HTML has the
@lang attribute which covers this   (@lang="fr_CA" and @lang="en_CA"
in this case).

However, there's been a lot of close coupling of the concepts of
'language' and 'currency' in this discussion so far and I don't think
that's at all necessary - I should be able to go to a foreign website
that provides an English translation without my user-agent assuming
the  prices are in US Dollars, for example.

So far on the examples sent to the list there has been no definition
around the actual dollar amount which confused me a bit. I'm curious,
is there a reason for that?

The only microformat that I've noticed currency units in is hListing,
and that deliberately shies away from parsing the actual values
because it's too free-form in most existing Listing formats.

My own preference would be for something like:
<p class="money">This item costs
 <span class="currency">GBP</span>
 <span class="amount">10.00</span>

Which with similar parsing rules to existing formats would also allow
things like:
<p class="money">
 It'll cost you
 <abbr class="currency" title="50.00">fifty</abbr>
 <abbr class="amount" title="GBP">quid</abbr>
 , mate!

Or, a more complex example with multiple languages:
<p lang="en">
<span class="money">

 <span class="amount">50</span>
 <abbr class="currency" title="GBP">&pound;</abbr>
<span lang="fr" class="money">
 <span class="amount">75</span>
 <abbr class="currency" title="EUR">&euro;</abbr>
 pour ca)

(sorry about the bad french)

It'd be pretty neat to have a browser widget that converted all the
USD prices on an American site into their equivalent GBP on mouseover,
or something along those lines.

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