I hope y'all have seen this, but this is what I'm referring to when I
talk about dove-tails joints...

Niall Kennedy has posted his resume in Atom:


It's not clear whether he used hResume, those he's a clear candidate
to do so. What would be interesting and useful to me is to look at
what hJobs his resume might match up with -- not in a deterministic
way per se, but a looser kind of "related problem solving experience"
kind of way.

In that sense, again, I see a need to standardize the classes to be
consistent -- i.e. skills desired and skills offered could be marked
up as... well... "skills". Etc.

I do think that hListing might be useful as a type of container or
vessel, but then again, that's more or less what hAtom does.

I wonder if it might be worth considering the definitive differences
between hAtom and hListing in the context of syndicating hJobs and


On 8/30/06, Scott Reynen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
On Aug 30, 2006, at 3:10 PM, Don Park wrote:

> My initial impression of hListing is that it's too
> general for the job (sorry) which reduces some benefits of defining
> hJob as
> a profile of hListing. But I'll withhold my opinion until work on hJob
> proceeds in earnest.

I broke the job listing pages away from the other listing pages in
the wiki, discussing my reasoning on this list prior to doing so, and
I believe there was general agreement that job listings don't share
the same semantics as most other listings.  Specifically, most
listings are selling something, whereas job listings are essentially
offering to buy something (i.e. labor).  I hope keeping them separate
will make them both more useful for the specific task intended.


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Chris Messina
Agent Provocateur, Citizen Agency &
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