On Sep 19, 2006, at 1:52 AM, Thomas Hofmann wrote:

has someone a viewable solution in CSS for displaying the attributes of XFN?


You can use advanced CSS selectors along with generated content to do a pretty decent job:

  a[rel]:after {
    content: " [" attr(rel) "]";

This will add, for example, " [friend]" to all the links with rel="friend". To avoid non-XFN links with the rel attribute, it might be best to limit the scope to, say, a container with class="xfn":

  .xfn a[rel]:after {
    content: " [" attr(rel) "]";

Another solution would be to select for the XFN values explicitly, although this would get a bit tedious:

  a[rel~=acquaintance]:after {
    content: " [" attr(rel) "]";

Unfortunately, this only works in the browsers that support attribute selectors, :after pseudo-selectors, and generated content (i.e. not IE).

- Matthew

Infocraft: handcrafted markup for savvy designers.

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