
On 9/21/06, Gazza <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Charles Iliya Krempeaux mumbled the following on 21/09/2006 17:59:
> Hello,
> On 9/21/06, Stephen Paul Weber <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> > For example, with ISO 4127, "Canadian Dollars" has the code "CAD".
>> >
>> > However, I have also seen the code "CDN" used for "Canadian Dollars".
>> I don't believe 'CDN' is from a standard... it's a common misnomer
> I agree that no organization like ISO or ANSI created a specification
> for that code.
> But that does NOT prevent from being a standard.  (Think "defacto
> standard".)
> You do NOT need the blessing of any organization to get a standard.
> You just need enough people (within a group) using it.
> "CDN" is used by ALOT of people.

Poor web design techniques are used by ALOT of people - doesn't mean
they're right. If microformats were to become popular enough, as well
the inherent benefits, it could also indirectly correct people on an
issue such as this.

But aren't Microformats about just documenting what people are already
doing.  (I.e., the "cows path" thing.)  Instead of trying to TELL THEM
what they should or must be doing.

If that's the case, then shouldn't we be documenting and allowing
things like "CDN" in a currency Microformat too.  Since "CDN" is very
very common.  And so many people use it.  And not forcing them to use
"CAD" (or else).

Because honestly... until I did this last currency globalization
project (for work) I ALWAYS used "CDN'.  And only used "CAD" now
because we as a team choose to use ISO 4127 codes.

But I don't think people are going to obey this on the organic
Internet.  (They'll just do what they want to a large extent... which
is good.)

See ya

   Charles Iliya Krempeaux, B.Sc.

   charles @ reptile.ca
   supercanadian @ gmail.com

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