In message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Scott
Reynen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes

>In the currency-brainstorming [1] page, I see a few straw man
>proposals with dated currency.

No you don't; you see two real, albeit simplified for clarity, examples
[3], [4], marked up according to the straw-man proposal (and subsequent
suggested modifications).

> But I don't see anything in currency- examples [2] with dated

The second example is cited on the brainstorming page. Search for

>  I think I understand the general  idea, that currencies change value
>over time, but in what currently  published HTML would such date markup
>be used?

Any page which says "used to be worth", "was paid" "used to earn", "then
valued at", etc., etc.

It could also be used to mark up current prices, on pages which are not
likely to be updated when the value referred to changes (e.g. reviews
[5]), or simply devalues through inflation (e.g. news stories [6], [7]).

>I'm sure there are  examples of dated currency published on the web,
>but I suspect they  are far under 20% of the currency values published.


>I'm interested  in seeing this microformat completed and adopted and
>I'd hate to see  unnecessary complexity prevent that from happening.

There is absolutely no reason why it shouldn't be completed and adopted;
there is no "unnecessary complexity".


[3] <>
[4] <>
[5] <>
[6] <>
[7] <>

Andy Mabbett
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