On Sep 29, 2006, at 2:56 AM, Lorenzo De Tomasi wrote:

A proposal can be:

<p class="price">
<abbr class="unit money" title="USD per barrel">$/barrel</abbr> <span

I have not yet studied "Related microformats" (I'll do it), but, if I
have understood the example, another proposal can be:

<span class="hlisting">
      <span class="price">
              <abbr class="unit money" title="USD">$</abbr>
              <span class="value">25</span>
      a <span class="item fn">barrel</span>
</span >

What do you think?

I don't think many are publishing the currency and the product combined as in the first "USD per barrel" example, so it's a non- starter. I think the ability of a machine to know what that "$10" is a monetary amount, and which currency the "$" suggests is valuable enough by itself. I suggest we leave the possibilities of combing it with other types of data (e.g. products, dates, job listings, etc.) to be explored after this basic standard gains some traction.

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