On 23 Oct 2006, at 13:36, Brian Suda wrote:
 I'm not sure exactly what you mean by
should it be documented, maybe we are talking about two different
things? There is a section about using the 'a' element.
If it is unclear and there needs to be a better explaination,
examples, etc, please let us know.

The existing example documents use of an _empty_ A element as a marker for content to be included. In my example above, the A element is not empty and I'm expecting a parser to *replace* my inner text with the included element.

I guess it's the latter, ‘replacement’ behaviour that could be need to be explicit or exemplified, although re-reading I note that the OBJECT pattern above includes the sentence “the object include completely replaced by the subtree that it references”, which may be sufficient in the context of that page.

Thanks very much for the clarification Brian.

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