On 22 Dec 2006, at 17:08, Andy Mabbett wrote:
That sounds like a good idea; but I wonder if we should not break it
down further, and have each example on a separate page, not on the wiki,
but elsewhere, so they can be "viewed" using any of the available

Not sure. I'd see the purpose of the page better served by being able to scroll through. There's an element of it being a source of inspiration and enlightenment, rather than a tutorial on each method.

As for parsing with tools: Presuming that our MediaWiki installation is capable of rendering the ABBR element β€” by default it gets stripped from mark-up β€” surely it would be sufficient to place an id on each rendered example? That would make each example addressable.

Better wording of that paragraph would be appreciated!
        The examples on this page use span and div elements, for
        clarity, but any HTML element can be used (though abbr is the
        only one whose title is parsed).

Better, although I don't think it's the right place to refer to the intricacies of the ABBR pattern. That would be demonstrated in examples themselves. So how about:

  β€œThe examples on this page and the *-examples page use
  SPAN and DIV elements for clarity. However, *any* HTML
  element can be used when publishing microformats.
  See *-rich-examples for more detail.”

(*-examples and *-rich-examples would link to the appropriate pages, of course).

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