On 31 Jan 2007, at 14:49, Ara Pehlivanian wrote:
Just to stir the pot a little, and maybe it's a good idea to consider
authenticity in the whole discussion of authoritative cards. What
guarantees that when someone creates an hCard and puts rel="me self"
that they are giving the correct URL and that it isn't someone
impersonating you?

The authoritative version of the hCard is only going to be relative to the published hCard itself. The situation doesn't change. Someone could already write an inaccurate hCard for me on their website. They could write a more thorough version and link from one to the other with rel="me self". This addition doesn't affect the authenticity.

Authenticity falls out of scope of hCard alone. Layer in some OpenID and you can have start to imply some authenticity. (e.g. Parse an hCard at the OpenID url and follow rel="me self" to another domain.)

If you mean, someone at ‘BenWardSmellsAwful.com’ (don't register that, please) writing an hCard and linking to ben-ward.co.uk/about with rel="self me", the relationship is such that the Fake Ben's hcard is discarded in favour of my real one. This does not allow someone to describe ‘this hCard here is the authoritative version of that one over there’. The direction of parsing disallows fakes.

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