On Jan 31, 2007, at 9:49 AM, Ara Pehlivanian wrote:
Just to stir the pot a little, and maybe it's a good idea to consider
authenticity in the whole discussion of authoritative cards. What
guarantees that when someone creates an hCard and puts rel="me self"
that they are giving the correct URL and that it isn't someone
impersonating you?

I'm getting into this late, but isn't the entire concept behind rel="me"?
rel="me" links *must* be symmetric in order to create a distributed
verification system?. It's definition is "A link to yourself at a
different URL"[1]. According to the spec, rel="self me" is invalid *unless*
you do not include the XFN profile on your Web site.

-1 to rel="self me"

[1]: http://www.gmpg.org/xfn/11#me

Ryan Cannon

Interactive Developer
MSI Student, School of Information
University of Michigan

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