On 8 Feb 2007, at 19:02, David Janes wrote:
On 2/8/07, Ryan King <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Nothing special is needed at /blog/contact/.


But that's the authoritative hCard. […]

Sorry if this sounds pedantic, I'm not trying to be. There's some
assumption in what you're saying that I'm not getting.

The difference in interpretation is this: You're looking to describe the *one true hcard*, to rule them all, bind them in the darkness and so on and so forth.

What Ryan is describing is *relative*. So linking with UID from one small hcard in the footer of ben-ward.co.uk to a larger, more complete hcard at ben-ward.co.uk/about is saying, very simply: ‘/ about is the authoritative hcard _of this hcard_’.

Now, to step back into this discussion after a little break, this use of UID solves *my* problem; a way to point from small snippet hCards that contain name/URL to larger ones which contain comprehensive contact details. I'm not trying to rule Middle Earth, just to say ‘there's a more comprehensive hcard over here’. And for me, this would do the trick very nicely.

Of course, there's nothing to stop me linking _that_ ‘/about’ hCard to another one somewhere else; such practice should not be disallowed. But at this point, that could be getting out of 80:20.


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