From: "James Craig" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
In this case, I think what you are looking for is the 'datetime' attribute on INS and DEL elements.

    <ins datetime="2007-03-05">5 March 2007</ins>

This has nothing to do with microformats; it's just semantic HTML. It specifies the time of the insertion or deletion, so I think it's quite appropriate for specifying when a version was released.

While it specifies the time of insertion or deletion, the semantics of that don't match up with what we're wanting to do here. The INS and DEL elements are supposed to markup changes to the document, with respect to a different version of that document. So for example, INS is marked up with underlines, and DEL is marked with a line-through.

Yes it's possible to get around the presentation issues by negating the style that INS and DEL are presented with, but this is counterproductive to other more correct use of those elements.

Unfortunately here we have a case similar to BLOCKQUOTE, where an element is used for a purpose that it's was never intended for, and that new purpose eliminates reasonable chances of its actual intended use.

Paul Wilkins
microformats-discuss mailing list

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