On Dec 12, 2006, at 1:28 PM, Joe Andrieu wrote:

For example, since it was initially stabilized hCard has been changed to include "place" in its semantics, yet we have no way to let parsers know
that the "new" hCards may not be people, companies, or organizations,
but instead may also be places. vCards were for /contactable/ entities.

I was just reading the vCalendar (not vCard) spec [1], and was reminded of the above when I read this:

For example, the alternate representation may specify either an LDAP URI pointing to an LDAP server entry or a CID URI pointing to a MIME body part containing a vCard [RFC 2426] for the location.

I'm not familiar with the history of the vCard and vCalendar RFCs, but I see that Frank Dawson was an author of both, so it looks like he actually did intend vCards to work for non-contact-able locations (e.g. the example of "conference room"). That doesn't change people's expectations for hCard, but I thought it was interesting that this expansion of hCard mirrored vCard without even realizing it.

[1] http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc2445.txt


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