On 01/05/2007 07:26, Tantek Çelik wrote:
It's been tried by numerous groups, before microformats, and after.  It's
even been tried in the context of RSS and RDF, and in practice people write
scrapers that look for namespace prefixes as if they are part of the element
name, not as mere shorthands for namespace URIs.

Isn't this a narrow view of namespaces, i.e. the XML viewpoint. There are many types of non-URI/QName namespacing mechanisms such as Java package name conventions, Perl module conventions etc. Are those offtopic too?

If you want to carry on a theoretical discussion of namespaces, please do so
elsewhere, for in practice, discussing them is a waste of time, and
off-topic for microformats lists.

Apologies for this post. If the answer to the above is yes then this will be the last from me on this topic.

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