From: "Andy Mabbett" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
In addition to Patrick's valid concerns about house style; I would again
point out that "dtend" is exclusive; microformats currently (and
wrongly, from a semantic and accessibility PoV) require:

       Q1 '07: <span class="dtstart">2007-01-01</span> through <abbr
       class="dtend" title="2007-04-02">2007-04-01</abbr>

My understanding here is that the date defaults to a time of midnight, so the end date must be exclusive otherwise a one-day event will last for no time at all.

You're right to be concerned though. I suspect that it is too much to ask people marking up their code to understand such fine points. Not to mention the troubles involved with templated or scripted markup.

I have proposed a solution to this problem:


but it has, so far, been ignored.

You may want to correct the proposition. The following from the proposal I suspect is errant.
<abbr class="enddate" title="2007-03-31">31 January 2007</abbr>

Were you after the following?
<abbr class="enddate" title="2007-01-31">31 January 2007</abbr>

Paul Wilkins
microformats-discuss mailing list

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