On May 31, 2007, at 11:29 AM, David Janes wrote:

On 5/31/07, Ryan King <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Another option is that entry content is:

<p class="entry-content">Content</p>
<p class="entry-content">More Content</p>

Is there a reason why hAtom as currently spec'ed only does text, not

I thought it did markup! I totally see what you are saying here
though; the question here is whether we include the DOM nodes that
specify entry-content. This isn't in the spec, and you wouldn't want
to do it everywhere (entry-title, for example) but it would make sense
if it did.

You're right, I'm suggesting that only for entry-content (and maybe entry-summary) that we take the nodes that have the class name on them. The reason? I've seen this several times:

<... class="hentry">
 <p class="entry-content">...</p>

 <p class="entry-content">...</p>


It makes sense, to me, to put the paragraph nodes, intact, in the content.

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