Hi folks,

I'm Emre Sokullu from Grou.ps (also Read/WriteWeb and hakia.com)

First of all, I want to announce you the **early** adoption of XFN and
hCard standards on our site - check out
http://readwriteweb.grou.ps/people/ricmac as an example - We have more
than 60,000 members an 7,000 groups, so I hope this is gonna be a good
example case for XFN especially. We were already supporting OpenID and
are willing to embrace all standards and semantic properties.

Anyway, my main point is the following: while playing with XFN, I've
seen that XFN is very individual centric, it defines relations of a
person with others. Why not making something similar for Groups and
evaluate relations from the group perspective - like rel="admin"
rel="new active" etc etc...

I'm not sure if this has been already discussed, checked but couldn't
find anything related. Cheers,

Emre Sokullu
microformats-discuss mailing list

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