On 8/27/07, Ben Ward <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Since then the only additional information I've found is that Flickr
> stores accuracy (as an integer) based on the zoom level of the map
> when you place a photo. In fact, if you zoom all the way out and
> place a photo you'll get a notice warning you that the location is
> too approximate and the photograph won't show up at higher zoom levels.

I've been doing some work with Google's geocoder, encoding addresses
into co-ordinates for mapping purposes.

Google uses an 9-point enum that is specified as a
human-understandable scale rather than specific geographical terms:

0        Unknown location.
1        Country level accuracy.
2        Region (state, province, prefecture, etc.) level accuracy.
3        Sub-region (county, municipality, etc.) level accuracy.
4        Town (city, village) level accuracy.
5        Post code (zip code) level accuracy.
6        Street level accuracy.
7        Intersection level accuracy.
8        Address level accuracy.


-Ciaran McNulty
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