In message
Suda <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes

>--- there currently are parsing rules for singleton instance of
>properties. Both hCalendar and hCard can take a GEO property. The first
>GEO property found after the root property (vcard or vevent) will be
>used as the GEO for that instance. So something like the following code
>would NOT get confused:
>- vevent
>-- hcard & location
>--- geo
>-- vcard attendee
>--- geo

But what if there is no GEO for the location:

- vevent
-- vcard & location
-- vcard attendee
--- geo

or if the order is reversed on the page:

- vevent
-- vcard attendee
--- geo
-- vcard & location
--- geo

How can we cater for such circumstances?

Andy Mabbett
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