On 8/29/07, Edward O'Connor <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > 4. I've seen this discussed before without resolution - there doesn't
> > seem to be a way of marking up 'the present' as a finish date for an
> > experience vevent.
> Just leave out the dtend and you should be all set.

Unfortunately vCard has a mechanism for generating default dtends when
they are missing [1] - this is one of the issues on the hresume-issues
page [2] that I'd really like to see resolved.

Possible solutions would be:

1. Stating in the hResume spec that an absent dtend in an hresume
event doesn't use this mechanism
2. Having some 'special' value that can be used for 'present'

Both would have negative impacts on hCal parsers that were trying to
consume the page and weren't 'hResume-aware'.

-Ciaran McNulty
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