Once Firefox three launches, and microformats are not only more widely
available to end users, but inevitably discussed more widely on-line and
in the media, there is almost certainly going to be an increase in the
number of publishers wanting to use microformats their websites.

Such publishers are currently directed to this list which, it may be may
foreseen, is likely to be swamped by repetitive "how do I..." questions.

In order that this list remain available for its current uses, I suggest
that setting up a -publish mailing list, and directing publishers to that,
should be done, *before* the Firefox 3 launch. A FAQ could be posted there
on a frequency to be determined.

Of course, we cannot know how many new subscribers there will be, but it
will be far easier to use a new list set up in advance, than to move them
all if and when this list is swamped. In the unlikely event that such
publishers do not appear, the list can be merged back into this one.

It may also be worth considering one or two (publishing & consuming)
.microformats newsgroups, under the existing mozilla.* hierarchy.

Andy Mabbett
** via webmail **

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