Farndon, Tony wrote:
And I'm with Tony (and others) on the protocol approach.
I should, however, add that I do have one concern about the protocol
approach; it does not degrade gracefully. Users of FF2, or IE7 or Safari
etc will just get a big old unknown protocol error.
This is easily countered by the designer checking for the navigator with
js or using <!--[if IE]> and hiding the protocol actions element, but
this of course requires extra work on their part.
That issue could perhaps be solved by either browser extensions or
separate programs with similar roles as feed readers has for RSS.
It would perhaps not be too mad of an idea to have Thunderbird or
something taking care of the microformats for such browsers since
Thunderbird and such programs have greater use of the data contained in
the microformats. Like the hCard into Thunderbirds addressbook and the
hCalendars into the Lightning extension.
Alex Faaborg wrote a clever mail about this earlier and presented a few
issues and a few possibilites related to protocols. It was then
discussed that perhaps there should be one protocl for each microformat?
That would if so enable different programs to easily take care of
different microformats.
You'll find Faaborg's mail here (is this the usual way to share an older
mail on a mailing list or how is more common?):
/ Pelle W
microformats-discuss mailing list