Hi all,

On Sep 7, 2007, at 7:00 AM, Eric A. Meyer wrote:
or 2) leave the specs  where they are and create new -intro pages.
I've seen [...] no one object to #2.

Then you haven't been paying full attention.

For those of us who indeed haven't been paying full attention to this particular thread (guilty), a citation or three regarding objections to #2 would be greatly helpful.

3. Let me propose what may or may not be a third option:

a) Leave the specs where are.

b) Add a good solid introductory  paragraph at the top of the spec.

c) Link from there to an in-depth "-intro" page

This may just be a variant of #2, but I think it addresses Andy's objections. If not, perhaps he would be kind enough to summarize them again.

-- Ernie P.

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