On Sep 10, 2007, at 2:17 PM, Matt Warnock wrote:

I's it possible to have 2 hCards on one page?

Yes, by default they'll all be exported to a single .vcf file, as they are here:

http://feeds.technorati.com/contacts/http:// exhale.daisyinteractive.com/locations/

But you can also specify individual hCards with fragment URLs, as you've discovered:

I searched and found a posting where someone used a target of #santa-monica vs. #boston and they said that worked when you escaped the # with %23, but I haven't been able to get it going.

You need id attributes on your hCards to do that, e.g. <div class="vcard" id="santa-monica"> and then this should export only one vCard:

http://feeds.technorati.com/contacts/http:// exhale.daisyinteractive.com/locations/%23santa-monica


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