Something we're keen to try and do is improve the way microformats — and especially progress on microformats — is communicated outside of the microformats community. I had a brief shot of it a little over a year ago with the ‘This Week in Microformats’ posts to the blog.

The reason they died out is because they tended to require long editing stints to produce something of the quality I wanted. A few weeks of being too busy and the idea collapsed. We're going to bring the weekly posts back, but rather than it being my own little initiative it's now properly integrated into our community tools.

Each week a new Wiki page will be created to live-edit the ‘This Week…’ post, and everyone is invited to contribute to it. The headings are set out, so it should be intuitive to contribute items. We're going to follow the same tone and format as the original posts, and post them every Sunday evening (GMT, most likely), so it's there and fresh for Monday morning. If you can write with the same voice that will make editing much easier, but either way it should make it all much easier to compile.

The live draft for this week's post is on the wiki now: http://


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