On 11 Mar 2008, at 13:10, Christopher St John wrote:

On Tue, Mar 11, 2008 at 6:24 AM, Drew McLellan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
On 11 Mar 2008, at 05:24, Christopher St John wrote:

Manu is currently one of the most active and productive contributors
(much more active recently than any of the admins) and the lead
editor on a complex and important microformat, yet his points have
gone completely unanswered. Isn't it a little over the top to ignore
what Manu has to say?

Unanswered, yes. Ignored, no.

Sarcastic answers may be appropriate for individuals (or not) but
they certainly are not appropriate for people acting in an official
capacity on the list.

No sarcasm intended, just a statement of fact. Perhaps a little terse, so apologies if it sounded bad. I was simply saying that although Manu's message is presently unanswered, that doesn't mean it will not be answered or that it is being ignored.

Also not in an official capacity, just as me. 'Official' stuff is clearly flagged.

The admins have stated that it's a lot of work to administer a
large, active and growing community. I think those of us that
have helped out with similar things are not surprised, but fair
enough: it _is_ a lot of work, and as the community grows it
will just be more work. The most helpful and well-meaning people
in the world will still have conflicts that need resolving, and
misunderstandings that need working out.

The simple fact is that the microformats community is *not* a lot of work, save for the disruption Andy has caused. That we even seen to spend effort having this conversation rather than working on microformats is further evidence of that disruption.

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