Figure case: User avatar or photograph of an individual.

I think it would be better to use @alt as the legend content [1] since
@alt is required for <img> wheres @title is optional. This will also
minimise any redundant information (even though essentially for
different purposes).

This would be the minimal case:
<img class="figure legend" src="foo.jpeg" alt="Photo of Albert">

As opposed to:
<img class="figure legend" src="foo.jpeg" alt="Photo of Albert"
title="Photo of Albert ???">

Suggesting @alt as the legend text further encourages the authors to
use a value for the attribute instead of leaving it empty:
<img class="figure legend" src="foo.jpeg" alt="" title="Photo of Albert">

Hence, I propose:

"If the "legend" class is found on the same element as the "image"
class (or the image inferred by the previous rule), then the contents
of the title attribute MUST be used as the legend." [1]

should be changed from *title* to *alt*.


-Sarven Capadisli
microformats-discuss mailing list

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