Basic idea is:

<div class="vcard">
  <div class="org">
    <div class="organization-unit fn">Molecular Biology Lab</div>
    <div class="organization-name">University of Cambridge</div>

If this is also part of the lab's postal address, you can combine it nicely with the adr:

<div class="vcard">
  <div class="adr label">
    <div class="org">
      <div class="organization-unit extended-address fn">
        Molecular Biology Lab
      <div class="organization-name extended-address">
        University of Cambridge
    <div class="street-address">123 Some Street</div>
    <!-- etc -->

The drafts for vCard 4.0 (hCard is based on vCard 3.0) include a property called "KIND" to indicate which type of thing the card provides contact information for. e.g. individual, org, group, etc. Cognition <> will automatically infer the kind of hCard by noticing that the "fn" and "organization- unit" properties are identical, so the kind must be "group".

Toby A Inkster

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