Toby A Inkster wrote:
One of the principles <> of microformats is to build around current behaviours and usage patterns. Microformats involve adding a few class names and rel values to existing semantic HTML; they should not require major overhauls in publishing patterns. Requiring authors to fiddle with .htaccess files (or whatever) to provide themselves with a clean tagspace raises the barrier to entry too high. The alternative: asking them to use a third party's tagspace (e.g. link all their tags to Wikipedia or Technorati or whatever) is unrealistic, and doesn't fit with existing publishing.
<a rel="tag" href="";>NotThis</a>
<a class="tag" href="";>TheTag</a>

Looks good to me. In principle... I'm sure there are some practical wrinkles with a three-letter class that is also the name of a major part of HTML!

I favour this approach: apart from the practical consquences that you pointed out of having semantics in URLs and of not looking at real world examples, I have also previously expressed* my unease that the current rel-tag spec means that this Microformat is taking a position on URL opacity. Those of us who favour opaque URLs (actually for practical reasons such as clean separation of concerns, maintainability, etc.) are unhappy with being forced into a semantic URL schema when using rel-tag.

Duncan Cragg

* in person to Tantek, not publically documented

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