Martin Atkins wrote:
Martin McEvoy wrote:

On your homepage: <a rev="made" href="";>Some Website</a>


The last thing I may add to all that is @rev is depreciated in Microformats and HTML5, but if you mark up your pages in XHTML or HTML4 you are still good to go

Per a recent discussion on the HTML WG list, the recommendation is to use rel="author" instead of rev="made".
Do you use HTML5 on your clients websites?

I looked at your website and it was XHTML STRICT in which case you can use rev=made without any problems, I also have also been informed (from various sources), that @rev may make a comeback in HTML5 eventually, so really I don't see any harm in using rev=made (for at least the next four years anyway), lastly the reason why @rev was dropped by the HTML WG was because people were not (on the whole) using it correctly, so I am taking the opportunity t inform people HOW to use it Correctly as the concept is not too difficult is it?

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Martin McEvoy

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