On Nov 3, 2007, at 10:14 PM, Martin McEvoy wrote:

You were a solid supporter of using "audio-title" and helped make the
decision NOT to use FN

That's not true.  I think you have the order of events confused.

"...We can't both re-use property names and ignore
the context of those property names.  My dog's FN is not my FN, and
if the only way for me to make that clear is to use class="pet-name"
instead of FN, that's what will happen."



What changed your mind ?, this was the statement that made us support the use of "audio-title"

Nothing changed my mind. I was not at all arguing against FN there, rather for the awareness of context that is necessary to use FN with embedded microformats. And I was arguing for that *after* FN was already discarded, because I thought it was unfortunate we had discarded FN rather than solving the context problem.

Right now the necessary context is explicitly written into hAudio ITEM ("The element must be processed opaquely"). It still doesn't exist in other microformats, but the general consensus (arrived at on the -dev list despite my protest that it's more than a parsing issue) was that we shouldn't address this until it becomes a more widespread (and thus better documented) problem. Maybe it will never become a bigger problem, or maybe hAudio will force the issue. Either way, I'm for solving this problem with more explicit context rather than inventing new synonymous class names (e.g. audio-title) as a means of working around it.

Scott Reynen

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