On 11/4/07 7:16 AM, "Tom Morris" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> On 11/4/07, Scott Reynen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> This may seem pedantic, but given your interest in semantics, I'm sure
>> you can appreciate our interest in keeping the term "microformat"
>> meaningful, not just another buzz word.
> I prefer to use the term "semantic data format" for microformats that have
> not gone through The Process for this reason.

It's actually one of the reasons we came up with POSH - Plain Old Semantic
HTML, for semantic HTML conventions which have not gone through the process.

In the case of "hTurtle" however, there are several principles being

1. Invisible data.  The data in comments is invisible.

2. Comment hack.  Comments and their contents aren't markup.  Putting data
into comments isn't using markup, it's abusing the syntax of markup.

3. Violating DRY. In the example the information is duplicated in the <h1>
and in the comment.

4. Premature naming. "DO NOT start with even labeling your effort "hXYZ".
This is a very common mistake."

So as Scott said, "hTurtle" is not a microformat, but worse than that, it is
also not even POSH.


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