On 2/3/08 11:31 AM, "Manu Sporny" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Martin McEvoy wrote:
>> I think he means "Context-Aware I
>> And to answer Manu's no I don't think its necessary, Microformats
>> already ARE context aware?
> Yes! This is my point exactly. If Microformats ARE context aware, then
> there is the concept of namespaces in Microformats. Namespaces are NOT
> an anti-pattern afterall.


context is not the same as namespaces.  namespaces provide one form of
context, but not all contexts are namespaces.  in the case of compound
microformats, the context that is used is hierarchical containment.

"fn" *does* have meaning - it means "formatted name".

Inside an hCard it means the formatted name of either a person,
organization, or location (depending on the specifics of the hCard).

Inside an hReview item it means the formatted name of an item.

> So, who is going to make an argument against using TITLE in hAudio?

The problem of such use of the term "title" is twofold.

1) it's already used to mean "job title" in the context of microformats.
2) the concept that it is being proposed to represent is the *name* of an
audio item.  "fn" already means the name of an item.  we should not
introduce a new term to mean the same thing as an existing term.


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