>From the payment page:

RelPayment is a microformat for making exchanges of support (be it
financial or otherwise) possible. By adding rel="payment" to a
hyperlink a page indicates that the destination of that hyperlink
provides a way to show or give support for the current page. For
example to give financial support to the owner of the current page.

One of the goals with this microformat is to give content aggregators
such as RSS readers a way to extract these support links and give them
special attention (such as displaying a standard button along with the

First, this seems like a simple exercise for blogs, etc.; but the
transaction process for shopping sites is typically considerably more
complex.  Usually, the actual payment URI is toward the end of the
cart checkout process, the entry to which "buy" is intended to direct
to the beginning of.

Second, there is the potential for confusion when using payment, since
"payment" in the shopping space often refers to payment methods, e.g.,
credit card, check, etc.

On Tue, Feb 17, 2009 at 9:45 PM, Manu Sporny <mspo...@digitalbazaar.com> wrote:
> http://microformats.org/wiki/hproduct-issues#HP3_-_BUY_duplicates_functionality_of_PAYMENT_from_hAudio
> hProduct seems to create a new term called BUY instead of re-using
> PAYMENT. What's the reasoning behind creating the new term vs. using the
> one that has already been invented?
> -- manu
> --
> Manu Sporny
> President/CEO - Digital Bazaar, Inc.
> blog: Scaling Past 100,000 Concurrent Web Service Requests
> http://blog.digitalbazaar.com/2008/09/30/scaling-webservices-part-1
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