Access controls are not enough? Admittedly the Ricohs only have five
address range slots which makes complex network access control a bit
more of a challenge.

You are exclusively Macs, so LPR is probably all you need?


On 3/30/16 2:05 PM, Baril wrote:
> To all,
> Well if you all "thought" you had your printer settings locked down, 
> then I guess we were proven wrong with all the printer spam spewing from 
> our printers. I have read the Storify piece on "Weev" (below link) and 
> gleaned enough info out of it to apply further controls on my printers 
> here. We have a combination of HP laser printers and some Ricoh 
> copier/printers. The Ricoh link below explains "diprint" protocol that 
> uses port 9100 and in the HP config pages you will find the 9100 port 
> referenced. You need to disable anything that uses port 9100 to prevent 
> the current rash of spam from printing. Good luck to all!
> Best,
> Roy

Graham Patterson, Systems Administrator
Rm 111, Lawrence Hall of Science, UC Berkeley   510-643-1984
"...past the iguana, the tyrannosaurus, the mastodon, the mathematical
puzzles, and the meteorite..." - used to be the directions to my office.

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