[image: photos of sponsors signing project completion acceptance forms]


As of March 31, we are pleased to report the successful completion of the
ServiceNow Incident Management and Service Request project.* The year-long
project accomplished all of its initial goals and more, as we migrated the
Office of the CIO and Information Services and Technology (IST) groups to
Incident Management from Footprints and other ticketing tools. We were also
able to accommodate IT groups (ETS, SAIT) supporting the Student
Information Systems (SIS) Project.

This project completed the following deliverables:

   - Successfully onboarded IST units to ServiceNow for incident management
   and CSS IT, Imagine, and Research IT for Basic Service Request.
   - Documented One IST business processes and ServiceNow workflow.
   - Delivered orientation and training to new users and provided
   self-service and reference documents.
   - Provided a smooth transition from the project to operations.

Measuring Success

[image: graphic of project accomplishments]

A revamped ServiceNow online orientation
recently posted on the ServiceNow website <http://servicenow.berkeley.edu/> for
anyone with a CalNet ID who may want to learn more about ServiceNow at UC

We wish to extend our gratitude to the entire project team for a job well

   - Project Manager: Shelly Kleinschrodt
   - Technical Team: JR Schulden, Scott Hall, Tony Roybal, Jennifer
   D’souza, Justin Anonuevo, Bobby Cox, Iryna Donchishin, Tazo Stuart-Riascos,
   Doug Van Buren
   - Training and Communications: Lori Brooks
   - Footprints Team: Greg Chuck, Neil Fox
   - Functional Experts: Marlita Kahn, Susan Weber
   - Consultants: Anna Ewins, Shelley Sweet
   - CSS IT Help Desk Staff: The team who receives and responds to
   ServiceNow inquiries as a result of this project.


Larry Conrad, Associate Vice Chancellor for IT and Chief Information Officer
Peggy Huston, Campus Shared Services Chief Operating Officer

*On a related and very-much-still-in-progress project, CSS Human Resources
/ Academic Personnel Support (CSS HR/APS) has begun transitioning to
ServiceNow for all ticketing; in the fall of 2015, campus clients began
using an “Ask a Question / Report a Problem” feature in ServiceNow for
basic questions. Between now and the Summer of 2017, UC Berkeley’s
ServiceNow system will be updated to include workflows and built-in forms
for the majority of the service requests for CSS HR/APS, starting with
Separations and Funding Changes which are targeted to go-live at the end of

Related Links: ServiceNow Website <http://servicenow.berkeley.edu/> |
 | IT Action Plan <https://technology.berkeley.edu/action-plan>
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