Thanks, i've tried to access the articles of my topics in the
same way, but the result is a little bit strange, because no articles
are shown.

My site-structure is the following:

     ------ subtopic(27)
            -------- article(28)

     ------ subtopic(28)
            -------- No article here at the moment

     ------ subtopic(29)
            -------- article(26)
            -------- article(24)
            -------- article(25)
            -------- article(27)

Here's the script:

$topic = mgd_list_topics(18);
if ($topic) {
  while ($topic->fetch()) { ?>
    <H3 class="grey">&(topic.description:h);</H3>
<?php $article = mgd_list_topic_articles($topic->id);
    if ($article)
      while ($article->fetch) { ?>
        <a class="navi" href="/buchtipps/beschreibung/&(;.html">
        &(article.title);</a> </P>
} ?>

So, I thought the script does the following:
Go to topic 18, have a look, if there are subtopics.
If yes, show the description of the subtopic. ('til this
point everything works fine). Have a look if there are
articles in this subtopic. If yes, show the article-id.
(but this doesn't work.It seems that the script never runs in the
"while ($article->fetch)".

Anatol Mayr
HEXAGON EDV-Dienstleistungen
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