ada cara yg cukup gampang saya kira untuk para pemula di php khususnya
di lingkungan windows, coba anda load dari situs ini:
di sana anda cukup menginstal satu paket program yang udah disatukan
dan berisi diantaranya:
- apache
- mysql
- mysql
- dsb.
yah, cobain ajalah, cuman filenya rada guede euy... sekitar 8MB.
semoga bermanfaat.



--- Aldo <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Allo teman-teman Master Web,
> Saya mau nanya mengenai cara nge-install  php di windows nih..
> tadi saya ngebaca installasinya tapi ada yang nggak ngerti ( saya
> garis bawahi )
> Thanks..
> FYI : Saya udah nge download softwarenya apache dan php ( ZIP FIle )
> dari internet.
> "Installtion instructions" ini saya baca dari Zip FILE nya PHP
> Thanks for the help..
> [ Aldo ]
> Installtion instructions
> ------------------------
> Apache:
> 1. Stop the Apache Webserver.
> Edit the httpd.conf and put in these lines, modified to your
> environment:
> 2. Unzip the Package to c:\php, now move php4ts.dll to the
> windows/system(32) directory, overwritte any older file!
> # for the apache module
> LoadModule php4_module c:/php/sapi/php4apache.dll
> AddType application/x-httpd-php .php4
> #for the cgi binary (you can use that one compiled with force cgi
> redirect too)
> ScriptAlias /php4/ "C:/php/"
> Action application/x-httpd-php4 "/php4/php.exe"
> AddType application/x-httpd-php4 .php
> 3. Copy the php.ini-dist to your sysroot (directory where you
> installed windows), rename it to php.ini, and
> edit the php.ini to fit your needs.
> 4. Restart the Apache server.

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