Okay so I'm providing an unordered list of some ideas. These are essentially me 
just cruising wikipedia with some ideas about where to peek, mixed with stuff l 
already had in mind.

I do not mean to bikeshed, far from it.  I think the names of these things is 
somewhat trivial. Proof being mimblewimble name itself. But I think that if we 
have a massive list some will clearly pop out to more than one of us as 
something truly special. I am big on myths, and I think that something as myth 
based as money deserves novel and interesting branding. I've definitely written 
more than enough here, but again, I am only doing so because I think the larger 
the selection the more likely we all are to quickly pick something that feels 
special. I did not open many books (just my sanskrit dictionary) and could have 
done a lot more. I am extremely enthusiastic and happy to contribute something 
of my wheelhouse, and I am putting myself out there as a UX/UI copy person. If 
we test the waters with some from this list it will be insanely easy to brand 
the rest of the components like wallets in the same vein.

I think that the technology speaks for itself if you read the whitepaper(s), 
which is why I am not as worried about the premise copy. I think what Ignotus 
has written nails it pretty well. I will think about it as well, but couldn't 
help but channel my enthusiasm specifically to names as wordplay and such 
really gets me going. I hope this list will at least inspire something. Again 
forgive its monstrosity. Let me know what you think.

p.s. I really like GRIN... but some of the following had me thinking about cool 
chain names... also I think we should stick to metric units but also have pet 
names for subunits. I very much dislike bitcoin and ethereum subunits, but I 
would appreciate them more if they were nicknames and not the default 
signifiers. I think the mystique and playfulness of MIMWIM warrants lots of 
weirdness and we can take advantage of that as much as we want in the 
nomenclature, but I think we all agree so far that standardized subunits are a 
nobrainer. There are a lot of famous wizards/alchemists who could be subunits 
for example though.

Here we go

Greenwich - Standard time. Call it  GREENs like MONEY. Has something of a harry 
potter vibe since it's british. Sounds like GRIN too. BBC radio stations 
broadcast *PIPS to mark the precise start of each hour.

EPHEMERIS - Used to tell astrological time. EPH for short.

EXONUMIA - numiastic items (such as tokens medals or scrip) other than coins or 
paper money. Call it EXO British NUMIASMATICA) very cool. 
     -NUMMUS - latin for coin. NU money. Love this one.
     -NEMO "i dispense, divide, assign, keep hold) would be good name for a 
     -CARAT - like carrot on a string
     -Planchett - blank metal  before striking also called FLAN. Cool because 
they are unmarked, yet why would the raw metal not have a similar value as the 
one that has all the writing etc on it?
     -SHILLING - LOL for shills.
     -Piedfort - double thick coin.
     -Tombac- type of brass used in canadian 5 cent coins 1942-43
     -Escudo (portuguese for shield, very in line with privacy) coin used in 
portuguese colonies. no longer used (I don't think).
     -Manilla (african currency) or Torc (from latin torque to twist) they are 
like unclosed metal rings. pretty cool.

GNOMON - The part of a sundial that casts the shadow. There was a  funny novel 
in 1985 called  Masters of Atlantis about a fictional secret society called 
Gnomonism (which was very mystical and magical).

*NOCTURN - Like Nocturn Alley. "Night  office". In line with the idea of 
obfuscation. Device called a Nocturnal related to an astrolabe and sundial, it 
is a simple analog computer.

PLUMB - Like a plumb line used to measure depth. I think a PLU coin already 

WAND- Sounds surprisingly like a currency. Also ROD

Alidade  - a device that allows  one to sight a distant object and use the line 
of sight to perform a task. Arabic for "the ruler" used to measure.

Pelorus - a "dumb compass". latin is in line with harry potter.

Windrose - a way of drawing ship courses on a map. Sounds fun. Looks like a 
network on a map of routes. Alternatively called a RHUMBline. RHUMB is kind of 

Sandglass - magic sounding name for an hourglass. Money becomes sand.

GOULD - Rupert Gould contributed to horology and Cryptozoology (like the loch 
ness) and was british. Obvious Gold homophone thing going on.

DAYMARK - a highly visible object used as navigation aid. Mark has some 
currency connotation.

KALA - Sanskrit word for time. Two distinct words actually, one means black, or 
dark color, and the other menas a fixed point in time. Also 144 seconds.

HORAE - Godess of time, broken into triads. THALLO AUXO and CARPO. CARPE could 
be a funny name. Most of the greek hours would be interesting names like SPONDE 
(libations poured after lunch... looks like spend a little)

DRAM - like a shot of whiskey. This one is particularly light and fun to me, 
and is also an antiquated unit of measure.

MERLIN - I would love to keep all my cash in merlins.

QI - Taoist mystical energy.

PRANA - Sanskrit mystical energy. Probably a little too yoga themed though.

FLUDD- After occult philosopher and astrologer Robert Fludd. Studied 
hermeticism, secret teachings. Hermeneutics / hermetics very in line with a 
privacy technology.

CROWLEY - After british occultist aleister crowley. Or even an ALEISTER which 
sounds super harry potter but isnt really. Probably too heavy.

Lamen - magical pendant worn around the neck... indicates grade of magician, 
the ANON (cool anonymous connection)

PENTACLE - Symbol for coins used in the tarot and other magical practices. Also 
called "minutum mundum" or "the universe in little" which seems appropriate to 
me since money can represent anything.
-PATEN - similar

LAPIS - From latin for lapis philosophorum or the philosophers stone. Obviously 
HP related, but also highly appropriate because the philosophers stone is a 
legendary substance that can be used to create anything (as money can be used) 
and especially for turning base things into gold.
     -ALKAHEST - Paracelsus believed this to be the element from where all 
other elements were made.
     -CINTAMANI - or CINTA in buddhism is the philosophers stone. "wish 
fulfilling gem"
     -VITRIOL - sufficiently latin stands for VISITA INTERIORA TERRA 
RECTIFICANDO INVENIES OCCULTUM LAPIDEM or "visit the interior of the earth, by 
rectification thou s halt find the hidden stone"
     -Rubedo - last stage of Jungian alchemy where consciousness makes contact 
with self, in other words, Jungs Philoseper's stone.
     -PANACEA - cure for all things.
      -PAN greek for ALL. HEN greek for ONE.
     -MANI - Sanskrit for precious jewel. Like philosophers stone. ALso like 
Manna which has esoteric meaning as food.Sounds like money.

     -*CUPEL - or a cup for short (kind of cool) tool used for cupellation, or 
turning metals into other metals (I really like this one) philosophers stone 
     -SLAG - leftover glass when you purify an ore
     -JAM persian word for cup that held the elixir of immortality. "I need 
more jam to buy this art"
-*GRAAL like the holy grail. Some think this is the philosophers stone.
-SANG - means blood
-/SOLVENT - the universal solvent is another word for the philosophers stone. 
can destroy anything. also MIMWIM solves some digital currency problems.
-Chrysopoeia - turn base metals into noble metals.
-AU - just the shorthand for gold.
-/ELIXIR - like elixir of life (aka philosophers stone)
     -AMRITA - in sanskrit. Like SOMA. "I need SOM!"
     -/CHASMA in Arabic.
     -Ambrosia in Greek.
     -Ichor is ethereal fluid that is the blood of gods/immortals.
         -Dutsi in buddhism.
-*Peach of Immortality. "I need a bunch of peaches!" (Chinese).
-TAT - Sanskrit for THAT.
-Other words for philosophers stone
     -Crocus ( a plant but kind of rolls off the tongue)
     -Lac ( I like this one its short)
     -stone (which is like quid in the british sense I think) I like stone

Sigil or Seal (like a magical combination of pictographs). 20k seals in my 

Nasik - mathematical term for a magic hypercube

BESOM - broom. Just BROOM shortened BRO.

Prima (as in prima materia, the first original thing) or even Materia

Obol - ancient greek currency. 3 obol was worth one prostitute for example. 
sometimes word to describe coin placed in the mouth of the dead. I really like 
this one. We all die. Obo for short has a pseudosymmetric property. Also 
EPHODION "something for the road"

Lamella - latin for metal foil sheet

Ablaut - "zero grade" changing an internal vowel in a word to change its 
meaning (sing -> sang). Sounds like a type of money to me.

PETRICHOR - the scent of rain on earth

Ouroboros - the snake that eats itself. Reminds me of how information is pruned 
in mimble wimble to make it self referential and smaller. Token could be 
shortened to OUR. OUR money.
     -ENSO zen  hand drawn circle similar to an ouroboros.
     -MU void.

TERMA - Tibetan for "hidden treasure" either earthly treasures or mind 
-NAMCHO - tibetan "space treasures"

Artifex - an artificer or alchemist

ISM- As in any word that ends in ism. Organism. Very cool. I need 55 isms to 
buy this book.

Pleroma - Gnostic term for primordial consciousnes.

SYMBOL - Just call the amount a symbol. I need 25 symbols to get lunch. SYM.

MERC as in mercURY - messenger god. liquid metal (like liquid currency)

RASA - Sanskrit for nectar, mercury and juice.

Corpuscles - alchemical idea where atoms came from. CORP or body for short. 
pretty cool. isaac newton, descartes and others believed in corpuscles.

Silphium - plant whose heart shaped seeds may have been source of our current 
heart symbol, was put on Cyrenian silver coins in the 6th centure BCE.

Kallisti - Written on a golden apple by Eris to create chaos amongst beautiful 
godesses.  Related to discordianism which is a kind of funny mordern magical 
     -QUINCE - another middle eastern fruit called a golden apple. I like this 
name for a currency. has our QUI in it too.
     -Pomo d'oro or just POMODORO is tomato in italian but means golden apple.
     -HESPER for Hesperidium which is an allusion to golden apples.

PAIN - means bread

Spagyr or spagyric - take apart and put back together

COR - heart

Spintria - roman brothel tokens

Gettone - Token in italian. Looks like get one.

Jeton - 13-17th century europena token.

Calculi - roman value stones

Wampum - Native American shell currency. Mimblewimble's Wampum

Freeba as in Free Banking 
     -Meulen after Henry Meulen who wrote about individual right to bank and. 
MEU for short.
     -Hayek who wrote The Denationalization of Money

FRAM - Frvilous Amuesements

Mabignogi - MAB for short. Earliest british literature. Means Juvenile 
Amusements. aka young adult literature

CORNUCOPIA - mystical vessels of never ending contents. COR for short, which is 
latin for heart.
     -SAMPO like cornucopia
     -GROTTI - magical grindstone


JNA- Sanskrit for knowledge
Vidya - Sanskrit for correct knowledge
RATNA - sanskrit for gemstone. RAT for short, which is harry pottery. OWL could 
be a good currency name.

Pendre - etymology of pendant. AMUlet would be cool too. or TALIS as in 

Altar - without the magical connotation sounds like a sci-fi currency. Has 
bonus of being shortened as ALT. Fully embrace the ALT coin. Love it.

just brainstorming
Mining Software

MAKARA - guardian fish deity in hindu mythology
MERCURY - used in alchemy and is a messenger
ALCHEMY - process of refining low level things into higher level order and 
ABULAFIA - mystic and fictional computer
BLAZON - coat of arms/shield

Wallet software

HERMETICA/HERMETICUM - perfectly sealed and secret.
MANSAROVAR - "mind lake" Holy lake at foot of Tibetan mountain.
RAS - Indian ford for juice.

There are also quite a few references JK Rowling makes that are of actual 
mythical and historical reference, and so would not be copyrighted. I will look 
into it. BASILISKS and such are not her invention.

This is really the tip of the iceberg. Once I get some feedback theming other 
components of the framework will be even better. Constraint is good creativity 

have a magical day

Sent with [ProtonMail](https://protonmail.com) Secure Email.

> -------- Original Message --------
> Subject: Re: [Mimblewimble] Branding and messaging
> Local Time: September 7, 2017 3:25 PM
> UTC Time: September 7, 2017 10:25 PM
> From: igno.pever...@protonmail.com
> To: 0xb100d <0...@protonmail.com>
> mimblewimble@lists.launchpad.net <mimblewimble@lists.launchpad.net>
> Sorry for jumping the gun too fast! I've added Quipu and Talent (Fing reminds 
> me too much of an insult), hopefully it's not too late. And don't let that 
> stop you, I'm fairly sure we'll need to name quite a few other things 
> (wallet, mining software, etc).
> - Igno
>> -------- Original Message --------
>> Subject: Re: [Mimblewimble] Branding and messaging
>> Local Time: September 7, 2017 8:41 PM
>> UTC Time: September 7, 2017 8:41 PM
>> From: 0...@protonmail.com
>> To: mimblewimble@lists.launchpad.net <mimblewimble@lists.launchpad.net>
>> It looks like I'm a bit late as the poll seems to already be up. I am a 
>> linguistics guy and really wanted to brainstorm some good naming ideas 
>> before submitting some. Seeing as how quickly things are moving I hope I can 
>> submit a couple of ideas that came to me in the shower last night and maybe 
>> there will be a chance to contribute further later.
>> 1. Grin should be its own thing, not Bitcoin 2.0. As far as worrying about 
>> how to get in... time time to learn to mine my friend. Everyone is staff on 
>> this ship, no passengers.
>> 2. Quid is confusing, like stated above, it's like calling it Bucks.
>> 3. I somewhat liked ingots.
>> 4. Quipu is the mayan knot notation. It looks a little like quid. The mayan 
>> quipus were long term exact value notation, and I like the idea of value 
>> being exchanged as knots in a chain.
>> 5. This one came to me maybe I'm an idiot. What if we call the tokens FING. 
>> Like finger, as in a finger pointing to the moon. The fing(er) is not the 
>> value it is just symbolic of what is valuable. Added bonus, say out loud "I 
>> need you to give me some fing" or "I am owed many fings! 25 fings!" it 
>> sounds like a thick british accent asking for "things" and I think that is 
>> hilarious.
>> 6. A "talent" is an ancient unit of mass 
>> (https://simple.wikipedia.org/wiki/Talent_(weight)) and a talent of gold was 
>> gold that weighed as much as one person. I think that is awesome.
>> 7. Time related units could  be interesting (delving more now) as they say 
>> time is money. It would be cool if our money was named after time.
>> I agree with earlier statements that we do not need to brand too heavilly to 
>>  HP stuff, since it can get stale and incur  copyright violations. But I do 
>> think that the fun, magical, youthful vibe should carry over. I think that 
>> MW is a truly fantastic way to store and exchange of value, and I hope to 
>> use it heavily in the future. It would be great if the currency I used 
>> reminded me to be light and fun and magical.
>> I don't know what the time frame is by I hope if there is some time you will 
>> let me do some more research and  come up with some more magical options. My 
>> background is linguistics, and I've also studied academically mysticism and 
>> occultism, so it would be a great honor to be able to apply some of that to 
>> the project (especially since my engineering background is lacking). Going 
>> to spend the day on it.
>> Sent with [ProtonMail](https://protonmail.com) Secure Email.
>>> -------- Original Message --------
>>> Subject: Re: [Mimblewimble] Branding and messaging
>>> Local Time: September 7, 2017 1:25 PM
>>> UTC Time: September 7, 2017 8:25 PM
>>> From: leishm...@gmail.com
>>> To: Jackson Palmer <he...@ummjackson.com>
>>> mimblewimble@lists.launchpad.net
>>> Well said Jackson. I'm looking forward to a fresh start and pleasant 
>>> alternative to the ICO, get rich, hedge fund mania that's happening.
>>> I hope we can focus on building a beautiful, open source project that helps 
>>> solve a problem in the world.
>>> I also agree with the idea of outlining principles for the future of the 
>>> technology. Hopefully we can learn from Bitcoin and solidify these 
>>> principles early on to lower the chance of political fractures in the 
>>> future.
>>> -Alex
>>> On Sep 7, 2017, at 12:40, Jackson Palmer <he...@ummjackson.com> wrote:
>>>> Hey Rhett,
>>>> I have to strongly disagree with the "Bitcoin 2.0" approach - it seems 
>>>> like that approach is in fashion right now and the politics involved are 
>>>> just a distraction I don't think a fledgling project like Grin needs.
>>>> Additionally, I'd argue that the current Bitcoin token distribution is not 
>>>> something anyone would want to "snapshot" or "copy" for their new chain. 
>>>> You have the large number of frozen Satoshi coins, multitudes of 
>>>> hacked/stolen coins that may still be in the hands of bad actors, and a 
>>>> large centralization of coins amongst big miners. Snapshotting the 
>>>> existing chain only acts to "self-serve" the existing Bitcoiner space and 
>>>> I don't see how that's going to improve accessibility or adoption of the 
>>>> Grin network in any positive way (most Bitcoiners would probably dump it 
>>>> for a profit as they already have Bitcoin Cash)
>>>> To stick to the values that Andrew and others have outlined, I think it's 
>>>> best for Grin to remain its own network/chain and strive to provide a 
>>>> scalable technology stack that avoids some of the pitfalls other 
>>>> currencies such as Bitcoins have faced by building on top of those 
>>>> learnings.
>>>> Lastly (and maybe this is the socialist in me talking), I prefer not to 
>>>> think of involvement in Grin as "investment" for personal gain... I really 
>>>> think this whole industry needs to focus more on building solid 
>>>> open-source technology as the starting point, if it ever wants to actually 
>>>> revolutionize the digital currency space. I really hope through smart 
>>>> messaging/community building that Grin can be positioned as something more 
>>>> than just a Bitcoin 2.0 get rich quick scheme.
>>>> Cheers,
>>>> Jackson.
>>>> On Thu, Sep 7, 2017, at 09:57 AM, Rhett Creighton wrote:
>>>>> Hi MimbleWimblers,
>>>>> I'd like to suggest a different approach.  Rather than launch with zero 
>>>>> supply, MimbleWimble should start as a chain split of Bitcoin.  I 
>>>>> understand that the address scheme is different, but there are several 
>>>>> ways to solve this.  One way is to store all Bitcoin addresses with a 
>>>>> non-zero balance in a genesis block and treat these addresses similar to 
>>>>> the way other currencies have used "pre-sale" wallets.
>>>>> Optionally, if we didn't want to worry about maintaining this prewallet 
>>>>> state over a long time, there could be a short time window where people 
>>>>> must sign a message to claim their MimbleWimble coins.  After 
>>>>> bootstrapping the initial supply, the blockchain could start running as a 
>>>>> pure MimbleWimble implementation and nodes could even choose to prune the 
>>>>> initial bitcoin bootstrapping blocks.
>>>>> Then as far as branding and messaging goes, we could take a page out of 
>>>>> Bitcoin Cash's book.  Honestly, I wouldn't mind calling this chain 
>>>>> Bitcoin2.0 or something like that.
>>>>> People of course would still be free to use legacy Bitcoin.  Bitcoin2.0 
>>>>> might only start with 10% of the market cap of Bitcoin Legacy.
>>>>> I can understand the urge to create a "pure" chain implementation, but I 
>>>>> think that we have moved past the days where that's necessary for a 
>>>>> project like this, and honestly, it could set back the potential of 
>>>>> MimbleWimble by several years.
>>>>> As an investor, I am very excited about the technology in MimbleWimble.  
>>>>> However, if it starts with zero supply then I'm in a really tough spot of 
>>>>> trying to figure out where to buy in.  After 6 months, the coin still has 
>>>>> a 200% yearly inflation rate.  After 1 year, it's at 100% yearly 
>>>>> inflation.  Will demand outpace that?  Maybe, but it's a much tougher 
>>>>> spot to be in than if supply was bootstrapped off of the Bitcoin 
>>>>> blockchain.
>>>>> Additionally, I don't think it's a stretch to think of MimbleWimble as 
>>>>> Bitcoin 2.0 technology.  It has many of the same goals as the original 
>>>>> Bitcoin with advancements that weren't available at the time and a much 
>>>>> nicer codebase.
>>>>> -Rhett
>>>>> On Wed, Sep 6, 2017 at 12:22 AM, Ignotus Peverell 
>>>>> <igno.pever...@protonmail.com> wrote:
>>>>>> Hi all,
>>>>>> We're getting closer and closer to a testnet [1] and it may be a good 
>>>>>> idea to start thinking of outward communication. We want to have enough 
>>>>>> time to prepare so when the time comes, we don't get confused with the 
>>>>>> thousands of other projects in this noisy space, and have a chance to 
>>>>>> voice our strengths and differences. Messaging can also take time to 
>>>>>> refine. Now, as I know words like "narratives" (yeastplume used it 
>>>>>> first, not me :P) can make some developers' eyes glaze over, I'll start 
>>>>>> with something more fun and friendly: naming [2].
>>>>>> We need names for a few things:
>>>>>> - Our blockchain type. I'm happy to keep using MimbleWimble here. I know 
>>>>>> that technically, the Grin blockchain will have quite a bit more than 
>>>>>> just what's in the Jedusor white paper, but I think at a high level it's 
>>>>>> a good approximation. Some people are also already familiar with it and 
>>>>>> heard the name.
>>>>>> - Our implementation. I'm not unhappy with grin but I'm not opposed to 
>>>>>> renaming if too many folks are strongly against it.
>>>>>> - Our coin. We have nothing so far here so we need to find a name. My 
>>>>>> first inclination would be to accept propositions for names as replies 
>>>>>> to this email, and then run a poll online. Sounds good as a process? We 
>>>>>> likely need another name for smallest denominations too.
>>>>>> To draw a parallel, in the Ethereum world 1) is Ethereum, 2) is Parity 
>>>>>> or geth, 3) is Ether/Wei.
>>>>>> Now for the messaging and narratives. In my experience (which is a lot 
>>>>>> more shallow in that domain), we want to outline our strengths and 
>>>>>> differences to formulate a value proposition. From there we can distill 
>>>>>> messages of various lengths, adapted to different support (one-liner 
>>>>>> title, one paragraph article intro, full website, etc). And ideally, 
>>>>>> we'd have opportunities to try these messages in various environments to 
>>>>>> see how they work and incrementally improve them.
>>>>>> So I'll start with a mixed bag of strengths and differences in no 
>>>>>> particular order and maybe we can figure out a way to go from there. If 
>>>>>> some people have more experience in how to go about this and a good 
>>>>>> process to get there, by all means please chime in.
>>>>>> - Strong anonymity provided by obfuscating amounts, sources and 
>>>>>> destinations and removing data over time.
>>>>>> - Great scalability as most blockchain data gets removed, without 
>>>>>> compromising security (the magic part).
>>>>>> - A diverse community of developers and cryptographers (no control from 
>>>>>> a single entity).
>>>>>> - A brand new, clean (relatively) and modern blockchain implementation 
>>>>>> with few fundamental primitives.
>>>>>> - A Harry Potter theme that, while quirky, has personality (obviously, I 
>>>>>> may be biased).
>>>>>> - No ICO, pre-mine or funny business. We may still need to find a way to 
>>>>>> get funding but hopefully it'll be reasonable and in line with other 
>>>>>> funded open source projects/foundations.
>>>>>> - The person who started the project has a cool name and uses 
>>>>>> parentheses a little too much (it's a side effect of the cloak).
>>>>>> For others involved in this project, I'd love to hear what it means to 
>>>>>> you as well.
>>>>>> - Igno
>>>>>> [1] I know it's taking some time but I decided to include the UTXO sum 
>>>>>> tree in that milestone, which created a bit more work than I expected.
>>>>>> [2] Throwing a Wikipedia article your way: 
>>>>>> https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/True_name#In_cryptography
>>>>>> --
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