I'd like to propose the following patch, as a prequel to the
posting of an amended mimedefang-filter on the Wiki...

--- redhat/mimedefang-spec.in.bak       2004-09-21 19:50:36.000000000 -0600
+++ redhat/mimedefang-spec.in   2006-01-13 15:51:55.000000000 -0700
@@ -138,16 +138,17 @@ Release:       #RELEASE#
License:       GPL
Group:         Networking/Mail
Source0: http://www.roaringpenguin.com/%{name}/%{name}-%{version}#BETA#.tar.gz
Url:           http://www.roaringpenguin.com/%{name}
Vendor:        Roaring Penguin Software Inc.
Buildroot:     %{_tmppath}/%{name}-root
Requires:      sendmail > 8.12.0
Requires: perl-Digest-SHA1 perl-MIME-tools perl-IO-stringy perl-MailTools
+Requires:      perl-Net-CIDR-Lite
BuildRequires: sendmail-devel > 8.12.0
BuildRequires: perl-Digest-SHA1 perl-MIME-tools perl-IO-stringy perl-MailTools

MIMEDefang is an e-mail filter program which works with Sendmail 8.11
and later.  MIMEDefang filters all e-mail messages sent via SMTP.
MIMEDefang splits multi-part MIME messages into their components and
potentially deletes or modifies the various parts.  It then

NOTE: If there is a disclaimer or other legal boilerplate in the above
message, it is NULL AND VOID.  You may ignore it.

Visit http://www.mimedefang.org and http://www.roaringpenguin.com
MIMEDefang mailing list MIMEDefang@lists.roaringpenguin.com

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