David F. Skoll wrote:

>Marco Meier wrote:
>>i think the mimedefang-filter manpage should be changed according to
>>this. It says: "This lets you reject connections after the HELO/EHLO
>>SMTP command.". In fact, they aren't rejected right there.
>Actually, I have a better idea:  If I completely remove filter_helo,
>will anyone morn its passing?  Less code == better, and filter_helo
>is next to useless.

Deja vu.

Haven't we covered this ground before?

The SMTP specification states that "HELO" is just a diagnostic command,
and it is meant only for troubleshooting, as in detecting mail loops where
a host talks to itself.

The SMTP spec, however, is a moving target (ok, at a tortoise's pace),
and at
some point it could evolve to have a more rigid semantic that could be the
basis for refusing connections.

When that happens, having the hooks already in place will be useful.


NOTE: If there is a disclaimer or other legal boilerplate in the above
message, it is NULL AND VOID.  You may ignore it.

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