Thank you very much, Frederic.
Maybe I understand a little. I will continue to study more and more MINA-1.x, 
especially the examples.
Thanks & best regards,
Hieu Phan.

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Frédéric Brégier [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Friday, October 13, 2006 3:32 AM
> To:
> Subject: Re: [MINA 1.x] IoThreadPoolFilter & ProtocolThreadPoolFilter
> I will try to answear you, as much as I can, of course ;-)
> If I am going wrong, I hope the Mina team will correct me.
> Mina has 2 levels of thread pool :
> - First is for IoAcceptor, relative to the incomming connections.
>     By default, Mina is setting 16 threads for this level.
> - Second is for FilterChain where business logic takes place.
>     It is used, once the connexion is established to take care
>     of incoming messages (not connection, only messages).
>     By default, Mina is setting 16 threads too for this level (not sure).
> For most of the applications, this should be ok. My current project
> is probably needing more thread and more control, that's why I
> was interested like you how to manage them.
> Then, what I wrote is if you want to take care for some reasons
> of how these two levels of threadpools are used and their size.
> So, now on your question :
> > For SocketAcceptor (or IoAcceptor) :
> >     Executor executor1 = Executors.newFixedThreadPool(nbThread);
> >     SocketAcceptor acceptor = new SocketAcceptor(nbThread, executor1);
> >
> 1) Is there any relationship between "Number of processing threads" (in
> constructor of SocketAccepter) and "thread-pool's size" (in function
> newFixedThreadPool)? In your example, they would be the same, right?
> As I wrote :
> > My feeling is that it shouldn't be a newCachedThreadPool here since
> > it seems it is relative to the number of SocketIoProcessors that
> > the SocketAcceptor will use.
> > By default (new SocketAcceptor() without arguments), it use
> > a value of 16 threads and SocketIoProcessors.
> That is to say, as far as I understand Mina code, the number of thread
> in the ThreadPool should be relative to the specified number (nbThread).
> This number says how many SocketIoProcessors will
> be used (used to manage network level).
> So yes, the number should be the same, at least from what I know.
> > For SocketAcceptorConfig (or IoAcceptorConfig), in order to
> > be able to specify my own Thread Pool Filter:
> >     SockectAccaptorConfig config = new SocketAcceptorConfig();
> >     config.setThreadModel(ThreadModel.MANUAL);
> 2) If I set the fixed number of threads, do I need to set the ThreadModel
> for the SocketAcceptorConfig as your direction?
> I think that when we set the MANUAL model, that means we created the
> thread-pools ourselves, no need the MINA to take care? Please advice me.
> You still have the "nbThread" in the first part of Mina
> (or 16 threads by default if you use simply new SocketAcceptor() ),
> whatever you specify ThreadModel.MANUAL or not.
> This call is not for the SocketIoProcessors control, but for the
> FilterChain where the business logic comes into Mina.
> Specifying ThreadModel.MANUAL change the default
> behaviour (16 threads ?) to be set as Manual, that is to say
> 1 thread only. So if you use it, you HAVE to specify a threadpool
> in your business logic in the filter chain, except if you
> don't need at all threads for this part (for instance if your
> business logic is so simple that it will take more time
> to start a new thread that to do the work).
> If you don't specify the ThreadModel.MANUAL,
> then the default behaviour of Mina takes place with
> another level of threads for FilterChain.
> So specifying later on some newCachedThreadPool in the
> FilterChain will add thread pool in your business logic.
> 3) From MINA 1.x, there is only one thread-pool is used instead of
> "IoThreadPoolFilter & ProtocolThreadPoolFilter" (mina 0.8.x), right? I
> need
> to be clarify because I am migrating my software from 0.8.x to 1.0 but in
> the past it used 2 configured parameters to set thread-pool's size. Please
> help me too. Thanks.
> I don't understand much about the "filter chain"... or something related,
> I
> hope I could take time to investigate this function of MINA soon. Hope
> they
> are not so hard to learn.
> Thanks & best regards,
> Hieu Phan.
> I was not using Mina 0.8.
> In Mina 1.0, there are two levels of thread pool :
> - IoThreadPoolFilter is relative to the first level (now in IoAcceptor)
> for
> connection.
> - ProtocolThreadPoolFilter should be relative to the second level
> (ProtocolHandler
>     should be relative to FilterChain as far as I understand from the api
> 0.8 except
>     the logic of Mina > 0.9 seems to change a bit in this part).
> I suggest you to look at example in Mina to understand the FilterChain
> example
> (specially the SumUp example).
> Hoping this will help you !
> Frederic

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